My name is Roxy and I own Buzz Town. Obviously the people who live in the place take care of the work for me, but from my perspective, which is all that matters, I own the town because I have royal blood in my veins. I know this because I read the label on a jar that I found in the said 'Royal Jelly'. I knew it was mine because it was left open on a low table...and from my point of view this means that the contents are mine for the of course I ate it. So I now know that I have Royal Jelly in my belly, which amounts to having royal blood in my veins!
The way I see it I am related to Willow ,
who was given to a lady named Elizabeth when she was 21, which is before she became queen . Since then most of Willow's descendants have lived in the palace. To be honest with you I chose to live in my present home, so have become estranged from Elizabeth and the gang...but we keep in touch through social media.
I live with Tom and Mary and their son Barry. We live in a flat above one of the shops. Mary says that Barry is a little sod. I've heard that a 'sod' is something that can be found in the garden so I suppose it means that Barry is 'the salt of the earth'?
I know that when Tom puts salt on his chips he also spreads manure on them because I heard him telling Bob over at the allotment that he was getting some manure delivered to put on his potatoes. I like providing manure for people who grow food in their gardens. I feel it is like me, royalty, giving something back to the community. I know that they are grateful for what I provide, because when Tom takes me out for a walk and I drop poo on the pavement he always wraps it up carefully and either takes it home, or else kindly puts in into the local donation box to be collected by those less fortunate.
I have to admit though that I have been feeling a little stressed since I heard that the last of the queen's corgis had died. Elizabeth is getting on a bit and I dare say she'd enjoy my company now the others have popped their clogs. But I've no wish to reside in the palace and do odd jobs while sitting on a throne. However, the queen doesn't give up easy...and in an attempt to curry favour with me she's sent me a castle of my own!
There's been a snag though, with the delivery...
The queen used Yodel. So...there's now a snivelling little mutt named Archie acting like a toff and sitting in my bleedin' castle! The woman Archie is living with is saying that she built the castle for him...and with only her word against Elizabeth's, and without proof of delivery because Yodel lost the paperwork, there's nowt the queen can do about it!
I know that when Tom puts salt on his chips he also spreads manure on them because I heard him telling Bob over at the allotment that he was getting some manure delivered to put on his potatoes. I like providing manure for people who grow food in their gardens. I feel it is like me, royalty, giving something back to the community. I know that they are grateful for what I provide, because when Tom takes me out for a walk and I drop poo on the pavement he always wraps it up carefully and either takes it home, or else kindly puts in into the local donation box to be collected by those less fortunate.
I have to admit though that I have been feeling a little stressed since I heard that the last of the queen's corgis had died. Elizabeth is getting on a bit and I dare say she'd enjoy my company now the others have popped their clogs. But I've no wish to reside in the palace and do odd jobs while sitting on a throne. However, the queen doesn't give up easy...and in an attempt to curry favour with me she's sent me a castle of my own!
There's been a snag though, with the delivery...
The queen used Yodel. So...there's now a snivelling little mutt named Archie acting like a toff and sitting in my bleedin' castle! The woman Archie is living with is saying that she built the castle for him...and with only her word against Elizabeth's, and without proof of delivery because Yodel lost the paperwork, there's nowt the queen can do about it!